
The Meaning of Religions
Refer to the decompositions of the Old Testament words Ish (first man) and Ishsha (first woman). In the Sumerian, the particles mean, respectively, ancestral or primordial androgyne, and the heart or womb or entrails of the ancestor.
Genesis indicates that Ishsha was pulled from the side of Ish, implying that man was antecedant to woman. [However the history that will be revealed in Parks' later books will indicate that] Ish and Ishsha were created as part of the primordial androgyne human that lived on Earth long before the arrival of the Gina'abul who changed the human genetic code. Moreover, very numerous traditions from around the world report that primordial man was not only androgyne, but hermaphrodite.
The rabbis who were charged with compiling the texts of Genesis from the Mesopotamian traditions found at Babylon at the time of the exile of the Hebrews between -586 and -539, discovered the embarrassing androgyne primordial IŠ7 and were not able to totally suppress it. Thanks to a subtle maneuver, the ancestor, masculinised, became officially Ish (man) and was counfounded with him.
When the "gods" of the Mesopotamian traditions transformed the genetic code of the primordial androgyne ancestor (IŠ7), they cut this being in two and created thus a man and a woman.
The manipulation executed on the man does not appear in the text of Genesis, because IŠ7 (androgyne ancestor) is metamorphosed into Ish (man)...
...and then the rabbis fabricated the story of Yahve-Elohim making Ish fall into a torpor at which time Ishsha was fashioned from his side etc.
Parks' series, Les Chroniques du Gírkù, promises to reveal practically everything on the authentic genesis of humanity and our origins. Today we have only sparse traces of this history. The most significant are those graven on the Mesopotamian tablets and some of them have been stolen from Iraq and are now circulating on a profitable black market.
These clay tablets trace the history of a group of immigrants named Anunna(ki) who descended here many millennia ago to exploit the multiple riches of our planet. The individual known as Sa'am, whose life became known to Parks through years of total-immersion memory flashback experiences, lived among these felons during his entire history.
Parks states that only 5 to 10% of the elements contained in his chronicles are found on the clay tablets from Mesopotamia. The history of humanity has been skillfully deformed over time in order to protect those who imposed themselves on Earth and equally to preserve, unbeknownst to us, their descendents who continue to work secretly on their behalf.
Thus, for example, at the time of the writing of the Assyro-Babylonian tablets, the "feminine cult" was deliberately suppressed and diverted to the advantage of a more and more dominant patriarchy.
One of the greatest coups of the Anunna faction was their taking advantage of a totally exceptional situation which, in one brief moment, had dispersed humanity over the Earth. Beginning at that time, multiple religions were invented with the sole aim of disorganising you, leading you into error... more precisely, limiting you!
This is of key importance because the religions permitted the usurpers of the planet to break up the people and create bloody conflicts. Today, the religions are too often the direct cause of conflicts and wars. Thanks to religions and their deliberately deceptive disparities (since in principle all religions possess the same precepts!) the different beliefs permit killing one's fellow man in the name of God! In the course of the most sinister centuries and millennia in the history of this planet, religions have caused the death of millions of individuals.
Today religious conflicts make it possible to "administer" the size of the Earth's population and to make huge profits from manufacturing more and more murderous arms.
This may make some laugh, others perhaps less, but the term religion, taken from the Latin religio, is very precise to our eyes. Christian linguists are pleased to explain that the term derives from the Latin verb ligare which signifies to bind, implying that religion binds or rebinds human beings between themselves. But it would be fair to emphasize that the same term means equally to subject in the language of ancient Rome. Moreover, again in Latin, the words religio and obligatio (obligation or debt) often have the same sense.
Before translating the hidden sense of religio with the aid of our syllabary, you must know that close to several thousand years ago, when your ancestors had the opportunity to record their legends, doctrines and beliefs, that is to say their religion, the only available medium was clay, or stone cut in the form of tablets. It is from these tablets, notably those of Babylon, that the data could be transmitted with care and convey the manna of information that served the intellectuals of the community of Israel in the compiling of many passages of the Old Testament.
Is it not also from these tabulations of the laws established by "God" that the Judeo-Christian religion received its first commandments? It is truly on the tablets that the people of the ancient near East listed and diffused the different dogmas that served to construct what is considered the world's first religion.
Speaking of those tablets, observe (see Decoder Example 3: RELIGION) that the decomposition of the Latin religio defines religion as a system for training sheep with the aid of tablets! (To understand how tablets inscribed with instructions were potentiated and remain effective today, see Laws.)
How does it happen that a Latin word can be interpreted in this way? Again, it is because the ancient languages are Gina'abul dialects. This strange concept will be supported again and again throughout Parks' works.
In the course of your reading, especially in Ádam Genisiš, you will learn that the Celestial Bestiary that fell on the Earth had the sorry tendency to assimilate the Earth ancestors to animals, in fact, to small livestock, more precisely sheep! This concept may seem strange, but it was widespread in the past.
Take the simple example of ancient Egypt where the sheep were called Undu (or Undju) and the people Undut (or Undjut). The respective transcriptions of these terms in Sumerian [see Decoder] leaves no doubt: UN-DU7 = horned rabble; UN-DÙ-UT = the population that casts the metal of light (gold).
That being said, in view of the organization of present society and despite the millennia that separate us from the highest antiquity, I am completely convinced that the ideology that assimilates the people to animals has truly never changed.
Refer to Decoder Example 3: RELIGION for more examples of what Sumerian phonetic deconstruction reveals about the meaning of words for "religion" in various languages.