
At a certain point in the unfolding of the events in Parks' narrative, we find An and Ninmah busily cloning an army of Anunna (see Genealogy) on the planet Dukù in the system of Ubšu'ukkinna (which we call Maia), a star in the Mulmul (Pleiades) cluster (see Worlds).
The Anunna were ostensibly created to defend the Amašutum against a mysterious enemy force, but that was a contrivance of An himself, whose real aim was to attack and destroy Tiamata and her Amašutum. In other words this was a revival of the Great War.
Sa'am was to be an instrument in An's plan, but due to his genetic heritage, his initiation, and other factors, he was rapidly becoming more than An had bargained for. (The truth is, Sa'am was a Kadištu and, as a soul, probably always had been.)
Sa'am shared his knowledge with Mamitu-Nammu, and the two of them alerted Tiamata to the situation. Tiamata's immediate response was to recall all Amašutum from Dukù, where they had been running the plantations that provided An and the Anunna with the food that they required. On hearing of this, Sa'am asked Tiamata what would keep An from simply cloning the priestesses that he needed.
Her reply was surprising: he could not do it because it would be a violation of law.
Tiamata went on to explain that all of these cloned races had a control system built into their genetic structure that simply required them to obey certain laws or commandments that were handed down from time to time. Part of that system required that it be contained in any future cloned races. There simply was no getting around it (she said).
The second response of Tiamata, then, to the new threat, was to direct Mamitu-Nammu and Sa'am to devise a Didabbasar, or text of laws, commandments, and decrees to be delivered to Dukù and established there.
A sensitive aspect of these laws was that they could not reveal that the Amašutum now understood what was being planned by An. They were kept general enough to avoid that, but they firmly placed the peoples of Dukù into a position of client to Tiamata and the Amašutum, while also obligating the Amašutum to provide the support they needed for their existence. Not the means of support; just the support itself.
One of the more interesting of the laws is the decree that not only An, but Anšár and Kišár, co-creators of An (see Genealogy), are subject to ("united to" - which sheds light on their programming) the entire set, which was in part written by Sa'am, "The Prince Sa'am Nudimmud in the name of the People of the Ancient Serpent," An's own creature of only weeks before!
It is also very interesting that the Amašutum priestesses had wanted to examine Sa'am intensively in their laboratories before allowing him to co-author the set of laws, until Mamitu managed to convince them that Sa'am wasn't really the prototype of the Anunna that they had thought he was, but was of unique genetic makeup and therefore useless for their purposes.
Another highly significant decree reserves for "the People of the Ancient Serpent" (Amašutum) the right to create "Ádam (animals)" to assist the Gina'abul of Dukù (under the direction of the Amašutum) in working the land, producing cereals and other nourishments.
Parks' delineates for us the laws to the best of his recollection. This Didabbasar is named Mardukù, "that which is dispersed and applied in the Dukù." Fifty in number, each law making up the Mardukù is given its own name. The term Marduk designates the sovereign executive of the Mardukù.
Readers will immediately think of the fifty names assumed by the Babylonian god Marduk as listed in the Enuma Elish. Parks of course acknowledges the parallel and unmasks Marduk in Adam Genisis.
The Mardukù is, if you will, a covenant. One must reflect on the Ten Commandments and their peculiar attraction to followers of the patriarchal religions to this very day.
The fiftieth decree is poignant:
That by this ultimate commandment, a copy of the Mardukù shall be deposited in the bosom of the stellar system of Ti-ama-te (the solar system), major seat of our universe. That a copy will be placed in the Abzu of the very holy Mulge ("the black star"), the retreat and rest place of the Kadištu who work in the system of Ti-ama-te at the service of the Namlú'u (the [original!] human beings) of Uraš (Earth) [see Genealogy, Races], also commonly named Lú. That Mulge ("the black star"), which occupies the heavenly crossroad of Ti-ama-te, shall be the receptacle of the Mardukù and of the inscriptions of the Destinies. In the name of the Original Source, that the wisdom of the Mardukù marks the entire system of Ti-ama-te and that it brings peace to our entire universe. For this reason, this commandment bears the name Sagmegar ("the repository at the head of the ME"). Thus shall it be -- ME 50/3.
Note: the black star SAG-ME-GAR ("the repository at the head of the ME" ["ME" is defined as "crystals containing the Gina'abul art and laws".]) also bears the name Nibiru or Neberu in Babylonian.
Apparently Sagmegar is another name for Mulge, and this sacred place, the true identity of the popular Nibiru, that once marked our solar system as a symbol of peace for the entire universe, no longer exists.
What is the physical form of the Mardukù? The Mardukù is inscribed on two massive plates of gold. Destinies, the arts and laws, are recorded on "optical disks of green quartz" -- the ME. ME were used in the development of the Mardukù.
Now... visualize the scene in which Sa'am has brought the Didabbasar to Dukù, to literally "lay down the law" to Ninmah, An, his creators Anšár and Kišár, and all the Anunna, thus binding them to the will or at least to the service of the Amašutum.
But Ninmah appears to have been expecting this! She orders an ornate box to be brought to receive the Didabbasar, says she will inspect the laws, and dismisses Sa'am and his party. Then shortly after, in his encounter with Anšár (see Souls), Sa'am is told that he had been programmed to produce those laws in the first place, that they were thus expected and joyfully received, and will be used as a decoy to bring back the Amašutum who will now engage themselves in educating the Anunna and once again producing the foodstuffs that they so badly need.
You now bring us the solution that has been so long awaited. The Didabbasar that you have produced is but a decoy. Without having read it, I know its contents. It is the divine instrument that will accomplish our designs against the ancient protectionist politics of our adversaries. Do you not see that you blindly obey our supreme will? We thought that you had discovered that. Know that nothing nor any person can break your programming!
This little discussion does not do justice to the extent of the compromise created by the "decoy." It was the Amašutum who were utterly trapped, far from their home and unable to alert their queen, committed to building the agricultural infrastructure that would feed an enemy army of millions including a vast number of the hated and incredibly destructive Mušgir (see Races).
It will be seen that all these events led to the founding of the Earth civilization that we live with today.
Who indeed was fooling whom over those laws and the genetic software that was supposed to be controlled by them? Something had gone very wrong. Only the more responsible group turned out to have been compelled by them.
How might this be reflected in the uses of law in modern civilization?
Bottom line: An did not believe either in the laws created by the Amašutum nor in the primacy of the Amašutum themselves and the Kadištu -- the entire order that had prevailed since the end of the Great War between the Mušgir (dragons) and the ancient Amašutum race of the constellation Urbar'ra (Lyra). He wished to impose a system of patrimonial descent.
Sa'am states:
My creator was manifestly alienated, not knowing what was good; he was cut off from life, and detested it to the point of having created flesh and blood automata devoted to his service.
An and his [Anunna] acolytes did not know the Original Source. Or at least, they attached no importance to the Supreme Source of which Mam had spoken to me many times. This source of which we are all issued and who is honored by the ensemble of the Kadištu. They seemed to be completely misinformed as to the presence of a universal entity named "Original Source", creatrix of all things, rather taking themselves as the gods.
The enormity of the situation was there, under my eyes: the female and male Gina'abul did not practice the same religious system. The major breach that opposed them against one another was a war of belief and of cult!
Whatever the assessment of Sa'am's level of autonomy held by An and by Sa'am himself, Sa'am's development was not complete at that time. More transformations awaited him.
To learn how the Didabbasar became the foundation of the power of An and Enlil when they captured and colonized Ti-ama-te (our solar system), jump to Join Us (Align with Us) or Die. An and Enlil, it should be noted, are the entities who postured as Yahvé (also known as Yahwe, Jehovah, God, etc.) for the benefit (i.e., the control) of their creation, the Ádam.
Sa'am is afforded one brief interview with pure Kadištu beings before entering into the oncoming chaos. Two came to meet him in a strange and highly symbolic place. They are an Abgal from Gagsisá (Sirius) and a semi-etheric Ameli from the brilliant star Bun.
This is a conversation between beings who were superior - far superior - in every way to the Anunna race (known to us as Anunnaki) who went on to conquer our solar system and pose as gods, the distilled memory of whom informs all of the common human images and conceptions of God.
Yet it is striking that this conversation is not above the reach of some modern humans. People who have read and appreciated these pages will have no difficulty with the briefing Sa'am received. It is, in fact, with just a little abstraction, a briefing for all of us today.
Interestingly, the Kadištu arrive in a craft. A strange one to Sa'am's eyes but still quite "physical."
And what do you suppose is the greeting he receives? It is a practical request: "Use your crystal to realign yourself; otherwise we will be unable to approach you!"
The briefing itself is devoted to a preview and analysis of the events about to unfold. Here are some key points:
The contentious situation resulting from numerous discords among the Gina'abul is going to produce a material transformation in the perceptions of our universe. The administration and executive organization of the Kadištu will be temporarily [!] eclipsed in a part of this universe because of the upheaval being prepared by Tiamata.
We have tried to dissuade her, but her fear of again seeing the ancient Mušgir regime diffuses among you like a bacteria, blocking resonance with Wisdom. We cannot blame her for having assisted in the Great War and having seen of what the Mušgir are capable. However, the reign of animality lavished by a great majority of the Gina'abul species will dominate in the mastery of this sacred region of our universe that is now under the executive control of Tiamata. We cannot go against this predestination.
Your role in this chain of events is crucial. You will have to make numerous important decisions. We are not here to guide you in your choices. We are here to inform you that the greater part of the Gina'abul are locked in a prison of warped conceptions of the Source and suffer terribly from this.
While keeping in mind that there is no separation between you and yours, you must aid your brothers in overcoming their deficiency. That is one of the greatest missions that you gave yourself in incarnating among the Gina'abul....
Son of An, you are going to observe different forms of thoughts and experiment with the conditional and the unconditional. Never forget that you are the master of your incarnation. The narrow corridors that you have chosen to follow will help you to assimilate and to not dissociate the shadow and the light. The Amašutum incarnate this subtle association that involves the creation processes. They symbolize the direct link between the ANGAL (the highest) and the KIGAL (the lowest). They are actually in great danger, because the majority of your Kuku think that hatred and vengeance heal wrongs....
Rancour and incomprehension together nourish non-loving.... [But the] darkness of the ego is another aspect of Light, because it creates emotions that engender experiences that lead to the Source of the Light.
As long as bitterness continues to grow, the initiate will never break free. The initiate continues to hope in his ego and in his struggle against this bitterness. Only when he arrives at the limit of his possibilities does he finally take the road that will lead him toward the Light.
The initiate is constantly tested, yet he has faith in the Light, because he is himself light....
Will you brandish your weapon [the Gírkù] to protect and save yourself or will you seek to go beyond your fears and penetrate the unfathomable? You must go beyond good and evil, beyond your fears; there is true Wisdom....
The apprentices of life and of the animal kingdom -- those whom we name the Gílimanna (Celestial Bestiary [see Decoder entry for Gílimanna]), as well as my ally here and yourself [Sa'am and one of the two Kadištu belong to the Abgal race], affiliated beings, and more precisely this new subrace named Anunna, are likely to establish a colonial authority based on servitude and dominance. These beings are unable to recognize the basic facts of social and karmic evolution, because they identify themselves as gods, which they are not yet. Doubtless the day will come when they will acquire eternity, but only when they have become conscious of the sacred that resides within themselves....
...The code of this universe, that Tiamata understands perfectly, implies that immortality of the body is not acquired by genetic means, but rather by grace of the evolutionary processes of the soul. The Gina'abul clones' quest for immortality therefore will greatly complicate your mission. The Anunna must above all not know that which you have penetrated through your initiations, because they would take the sexual energy and use it as a means of domination and repression in the manner of the Mušgir. Look around you. Look at all this gold. [There was a prodigious amount of gold surrounding Sa'am at this moment.] This would satisfy the thirst for immortality of several regiments for a long time....
To which Sa'am begins to respond, saying that it lacks only several willing Amašutum. But at that moment, events signal the end of the interview.
Parks gives us a tantalizing hint of a subject of first magnitude importance, to be developed in Ádam Genisiš. But the astute reader will have already located supporting information on these pages.
There is one final bit of advice:
Your Queen has found allies among a minority of ourselves; our heart is torn. Do not underestimate her planned action, because her allies are terribly formidable and will not look out for you in the battle.
Combat will soon begin, my brother! It will send you far from here, to a place where you will meet with emotional experiences that will lead you to explore the depths of your identity. You have agreed to take the heavy responsibility to treat the ills of beings of your lineage. This task will force you to make difficult choices beginning today. These choices risk leading to other types of sufferings. You will be able to count only on yourself.
In incarnating among the Gina'abul, at this precise moment of their history, you have projected yourself into a universe where the mental suppresses the spirit and where the ego neutralizes Wisdom. Do not err by this combat. It is for you only to protect the Sacred in all its forms. Quickly leave this place, time presses.
Your filiation with the Abgal of Gagsisá (Sirius) is beyond any doubt; it transpires as well physically as inwardly. Your weaknesses and clumsiness reflect the virtues of a being in motion. You carry within yourself the inner aptitudes proper to the Kadištu, which fascinate your Kuku. These are the same aptitudes that have made the Abgal the emissaries of choice in our galaxy and which permitted you to revive Mamitu's priestess [who had been struck down by Anšár and appeared dead] moments ago.
An Abgal such as yourself must carry the genetics of an illustrious Abgal. Your creator has doubtlessly assembled you in part from his genes, thanks to which you possess at once the physiognomy of certain of your Kuku and their aptitudes, but above all he has given you almost 65% of the characteristics of your blood Mother....
...who, she informs him, is Mamitu-Nammu.
We offer these selected bits of information from the book because, taken together, they will speak worlds about our own history.
The outbreak of war is horrible. In one short day, Tiamata and her allied forces completely overwhelm Dukù, destroying all the cities and killing everyone in their path without mercy. Sa'am, Mamitu, and a party of Nungal and Nindigir make an escape via an underground passage leading from the city of Adhal to a rendezvous point on a sacred mountain, where they hope to find Sa'am's father, his Uanna, and a fleet of ships.
This passageway, explains Mamu, is sacred to the Amašutum priestesses. Their once-secret name for it is familiar to Egyptologists: the Duat.
We include here Parks' information about the Duat, not only because of its possible importance to Egyptology, but because it will play a central role in Parks' subsequent books, and will be seen to have a place in our modern world as well.
Mam explains:
The Duat was a domain in which the powers of the lower and higher regions were unified, a sort of inverted mirror in which the most sacred secrets were manifested. In this place, the body of a great Kadištu had been carefully interred in a way that permitted his soul to detach from the material world and rise toward the light. Before the burial of his body, the deceased Kadištu had undergone, in the mountain, the rite of the stargates that had permitted him to return to his original place in the heavens....
Notice, for Duat and Dukù (that key Pleiadian world), the particle DU6 represents both a cavern and a mound; this mound clearly evokes the celestial place of origins.
The Sumerian cosmogony names this celestial mountain DU6-KÙ, "the holy mound." The Egyptian Duat also suggests the idea of a double place, at once subterranean and celestial, both being territories sacred to the "gods."
The Egyptian funerary texts explain that at the heart of the terrestrial Duat flows the underground extension of the Nile, named Urenes (see Decoder). On this river circulates the divine bark that transports the body of the deceased king toward its tomb and the light.
The passageway on Dukù contained an underground river as well...
At the bottom of the trench, 1 Gi (3 meters) of width separated us from the river. One by one, we dropped into the hollow, immersing ourselves in the underground stream. The liquid element had for me the most astonishing regenerative effect. I had the impression of having known this sensation for a very long time. My mother also seemed to appreciate this fortuitous moment.
Beyond the fact that the purifying water rid me of the soils of combat, it seemed to cleanse my entire being....
We ran along the spring with its sparkling reflections. This river was going to lead us toward the mountain. The rocks embedded in the bottom of the watercourse, shone with a strange filtered light and illuminated the caverns. There were markings on the ground. Who had thought there were so many grottos and tunnels spreading out beneath the town?
Mam explained to us that the Duat incorporated the two ways of life. I understood them to be the way of water with luminous reflections and the way of the earth that we were following.
The way of water represented the Milky Way and indicated, to the north, the entrance of the mountain. Here were performed the rites of passage and the initiations into the knowledge of the soul.
These grottos symbolized the Primordial Chaos, the sanctum of the midwives whom Mam designated as the Gir [see Decoder]. In these passageways, pilgrimages and secret rites of regeneration were formerly practiced.
A strange inscription was graven on a wall. Mam pointed it out to me:
Son of the stars, we salute you,
You are our favorite.
We, Gíg (Dark Ones) and Gir bid you welcome.
We are those who encircle your secret.
The Holy Duat is your birthplace and your tomb.
In this place, we put you in the world in the morning
and bury you in the evening. In the morning, your choices bring you here,
in the place of the Mysteries.
When your Zišàgál (incarnation) falls into our bosoms,
our hearts rejoice.
You, who are hidden beneath our veil and who know all our secrets,
We reassemble your members and your flesh
in the name of the One Source.
We create you in the image of the Sons of the Water.
Our entrails are your home and our flanks your garden.
We embrace your image when you enter into us,
We honor you when you go out from our thighs.
We are the wet-nurses who breastfeed you without ever weaning you.
When you suckle us, we embrace you and lick your entire body.
We lift you in our arms
and address to you the word of the glorifications.
You, who knew the riches of the soul, you are the gracious light
who illumines the lost ones. In the evening we bathe you and purify your body.
We, Giš (Dark Stars), grant you the funeral offering.
We, midwives and mourners, ease your soul
and implore you to leave this lifeless body.
The Mistresses of the Horizon reconnect you with the current that leads
to the hall of light and guides you to the heavenly country.
At the crack of dawn, you undergo the final eulogies and prayers.
Fly away like a bird tonight.
Allow the sky to clasp you in its arms, Allow yourself to find your divine family.
The road that leads to this cannot be revealed.
We sanctify the emplacement of your body,
That illuminates the earthly and celestial Duat.
Tomorrow morning you will awaken among the living.
Glory to you, Son of the Water.
It became evident that the Gir of the Duat gave birth naturally to "elect" beings renowned beyond the frontiers of the Ubšu'ukkinna [the star Maia]. Why did our priestesses bury the dead while we had the custom of burning the bodies? My mother turned to the south and indicated to us that in this direction was hidden the tomb of a great Kadištu of singular name, doubtless one of the Sons of the Water of which the inscription spoke:
"These places are so ancient that they are filled with truth. Each of the fossil stones of light in the depths of the water had been carried by a Gir. Each Gir is a Nindigir capable of giving birth to a Kirišti, but very few among them had the opportunity to produce such an event in the past," she confided to us.
The Nungal seemed to comprehend the sense of her points. This gave me the occasion to ask them why the Sukkal had been designated to complete their Kadištu initiation. They responded that when Tiamata had gotten wind of the designs of the Ušumgal, she had placed them into the hands of the Kadištu, who entrusted my children to the Sukkal who completed their initiation as life designers. Finally, it was the Kadištu who took the decision to send the Nungal to Mulmul [the Pleiades] to place them under the tutelage of their creators.
With heavy heart, I listened to the words of my children while dragging my feet through the water with the luminous stones. The intent of the Kadištu was clear: they had desired that the destiny of the Nungal be placed into the hands of Mam and myself. Ashamed to reveal to my offspring my lack of awareness of the subject, I questioned Mam on the role of the famous Sons of the Water, the Kirišti. My mother responded to me that I would find the explanation in Ugur, the crystal [Gírkù] that she had given to me. I persisted and asked her why it was inscribed that the Gir practiced lamentations when they accompanied the body of the deceased.
One of my Nungal had listened to our conversation and allowed himself to reveal to me that the lamentations were practiced by the Gir with the aim of liberating the soul from its corpse. The lamentation permitted the soul to relax the tension accumulated in the course of its existence and to manifest that which the being would not have had the time to express while living or at the moment of its death.
The Nungal finished his commentary by giving me a good definition of a Kirišti:
"The Kirišti are sons of the Stars, Kadištu emissaries working for the Source. They never dissociate Gissu (shadow) from Zalag (light), and they work where these energies are disunited. Their work is not easy; it often happens that they are directly confronted by beings who separate Gissu from Zalag and who worship only the darkness."
The structure of this subterranean cavity had been fashioned in places by hands and not by nature. The very high vaulting built out of large stone blocks allowed the roots of the forest over our heads to penetrate sparsely.
We came out into a spacious cavity in which the watercourse became an enormous cistern, a sort of gigantic basin into which the water from the mountain poured before becoming a river once again. The basin water was strangely calm. Facing this reservoir were several chapels hewn geometrically into the rock, breaking up the façade. Their silhouette possessed a form to some degree pyramidal and highly elongated. Candles burned in their depths....
Sa'am and his party have struggled to reach and board a number of Gigirlah (ships) and have departed the area, headed for a stargate that will lead them through the timeless pathways to... where?
They have learned that Enlil, Sa'am's errant creation, has somehow drawn Tiamata away from her legions and is now in pursuit of her, accompanied by An, Sa'am's father, the rest of the Ušumgal, and a large number of Anunna. Mam telepathically receives the coordinates of the destination toward which all these beings are racing. When entered into the ship's navigational system, they learn for the first time where they are actually going.
It is Ti-ama-te! Our solar system, where Mamítu had labored long years on the planet Uraš (Earth) with her Life Designers, developing the magnificent first humans and many other life forms.
Mamítu is shocked to learn of this, and becomes disconsolate, because she knows that taking the war to Ti-ama-te is going to ruin everything. Here, Sa'am realizes that this outcome was foretold to him by the Kadištu in their briefing.
We describe here their exit from the stargate, their entry into the system of Ti-ama-te, and the conditions they found there at that time.
The fluid was on the point of solidifying when we began the great descent toward the heart of Ti-ama-te. What an awakening! A three-dimensional image of the exterior appeared on our circular screen. A gigantic planet with vaporous reflections captured our attention and progressively materialized around us. It possessed a medium-sized moon.
Mam informed me that the planet appeared to be Mulge -- the Black "Star" [Fr: Astre] -- the planet of the Kadištus.
I did not see any vessels. However, bright flashes dotted the surface. My mother explained that Mulge belonged to a class of planets that are surrounded by cold ionized gas clouds from which emerge lightning flashes. The weather was chaotic on Mulge and storms tormented the surface. Life there was not possible in the KIGAL dimension (see Dimensions) but it existed in the ANGAL and also in the Abzu of Mulge.
This planet clearly was not our destination, but the next one definitely was, as we shortly began a precipitous descent.
The plunge was awesome and much more demanding than when traveling on an Iníuma [see Stargates]. The effect reminded me of the hard accelerations of the Mú-u.
When we reached the three-dimensional barriers, the fluid liquified. At this moment, we were ejected from the timeless path through a spatial Stargate and the liquid withdrew progressively, disappearing into the walls of the craft.
The holographic image projected on the circular visual screen presented to us a small planet with tints of bronze and dark blue where three-dimensional existence was sustainable. It was encircled by gunfire, supplied by our troops who had pursued our adversaries in their retreat. There was a violent glut of radio messages. They detailed the battle taking place beneath our feet. Our forces seemed to be everywhere and all were animated by the same murderous ardor.
I was finally face to face with Uraš, the planet where all the great galactic routes converged.
The forces of Tiamata had reassembled and were responding energetically to our attacks. My creator's Uanna cast its shadow onto an abyssal ocean.
We made a circuit of the "star" without approaching it. I was surprised and asked my mother why she did not wish to take us down. She replied that the four of us were Designers of Life and that we would not take part in combat. Mamítu revealed to us that it did not appear to be Uraš, but its granary, the planet Salbatánu (Mars). On this globe were produced and packed the food reserves for the use of the Amašutum of Mulge and of Uraš. (Gina'abul decomposition: SAL-BA-TÁN-U = "the matrix/womb of the rations of the crown")
We left the terrifying gunbattles of Salbatánu, directing ourselves to Uraš. The run proceeded in the traditional fashion, at a cruising speed, without use of the timeless tunnels. Several vessels with unknown silhouettes followed the same course as ours in a calm, yet troubling respect. My mother indicated to us that they appeared to be Kadištu craft, more precisely Amašutum of Ti-ama-te who did not wish to take part in the carnage.
As we advanced further toward our objective, more flying ships showed up. The little planet with the blue reflections took form progressively on our circular screen. An impressive ballet of Kadištu vessels turned around it, resembling a natural ring formed of rock and ice. The vessels of our Nindigir joined up with this strange procession. Our Gigirlah slipped into the metallic multitude and plunged into the dense atmosphere.
Past the many different cloud layers, we approached the precipitous terrain below. The mountains were infested with flying creatures with huge wings and long beaks. They flew along like the wind and we followed docilely.
Mam was euphoric; the battle did not seem to have touched Uraš.
We reached a broad steppe teeming with a multitude of animals with exotic forms.
"We have created here many varieties of animals that synthesize the different species found in our universe," explained Mam.
We saw gigantic quadrupeds with highly elongated vertebrae grazing on the vegetation, while curious dorsal appendages emerged from an inland sea. Here and there, the spectacle was at once familiar and strange. Mam added that Uraš was a sacred natural park for which the Kadištu collective had brought together its life-designing competencies in order to synthesize their millennial knowledge.
This sacred reserve was under the responsibility of the Namlú'u (human beings).
Forests of gigantic trees bordered the valley toward which we were starting our descent. The spectacle revealed to us a vast universe sprawling beyond our view. Our Gigirlah slowly came to earth in the midst of this stupefying tableau.
Elongated paws, powerful and muscular, passed not far from us.
We rested in this place for several hours. The spectacle rendered us totally speechless.
Some Anunna craft made their appearance and landed alongside us....
Finally, I asked the grand Life Designer of Uraš where were the famous Namlú'u. Mamítu gave us to understand that the Namlú'u rarely appeared down here, because they really didn't live in the KI dimension, but more in the ANGAL, in the fourth and fifth dimensions. The Namlú'u were the trustees of the gigantic natural garden of the Kadištu. They were responsible for this place. Their incursions into the KI were for the sole objective of punctual and daily safekeeping of the divine creation.
Seeing all these marvels and this equilibrium menaced by the battle raging several leagues from there, I recalled what the Kadištu had said and the fact that we had come down here to transform the probable futures of Uraš.
We waited still more hours. For what? I didn't know how to say it, the fascination was so complete.
It came about that our wait was rewarded, because when the executive administrators of the gigantic park came into our dimension, astonishment and marvel manifested in the bosom of our group. A turmoil, almost disturbing, that appeared to me to resemble a sort of immoderate modesty. The Anunna being in admiration....