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Agarin, an Ukubi'im

Agarin (Sumerian for "blood relationship") is the name given by Enki to the Ukubi'im (Homo Neanderthalensis) that he brought back from Kankala (Africa). She lived at his side for some 18 Muanna (years). His companions had never supported her presence; Nammu had even forbidden them to live together and ordered Enki to liberate her.

But Agarin had never wished to return to Edin; she had become habituated to Enki's presence. She followed him around as would a wife. They had an affection for one another and had even coupled on numerous occasions. Enki found her to be of an exquisite sweetness; she had definitely added some sweetness to the bitterness of his existence (which he had done everything possible to hide from the colony).

Agarin had obtained no progeny from this, but had received the force of the Niama, which could render one mad.

After he discovered her inanimate body, Enki analyzed her blood and found the venom, but no wound. Though it was unknown to him, Mamítu-Nammu revealed it to very certainly be the venom of Ninmah!

This meant that Enki was going to have to be watchful around Ninmah... who while appreciating Enki, was also spying on his work on Neanderthal genetics, clearly on the request of Enlíl.

Ninmah had clearly seen Agarin as a potential adversary, as she had come to possess the force of Niama.

Due to the attachment he had had to Agarin, Enki did not use her body after her death in his genetic work, although he did preserve her genetic material. He gave her body a simple burning according to their custom; no one bothered to attend and render a final homage. He scattered the ashes into the wind that blew in the large Edin.

Immediate Postwar

Eventually, of course, the Great War did wind down. We are not at the moment aware of any treaty signed with the Gina'abul, though we will update this statement if it is found in error. It seems more to have been a general recognition by all parties that the Gina'abul were not to be evicted from their base on Uraš and that it was useless to continue to try to deny them even the eventual ownership of the entire Ti-ama-te (solar system).

Fighting seemed to have ceased on Udu'idimsa (Mars). Mìmínus (grays) were scattered around Ti-ama-te (the solar system). Mulge, the planet of the Kadištu (Life Designers), having a "frequency" too high for Sa'am's Kuku (ancestors), would never be dominated by them. However Sa'am could still worry that the Gina'abul might somehow, someday, be introduced to the Abzu of Mulge without his authorization (which should have been required, as he was Lord of all Abzus in Ti-ama-te). Many emissaries of the Source lived there, including female Gina'abul.

The situation regarding Mulge-Tab, satellite of Mulge, was even less clear. It appeared that its KIGAL was a delicacy for the senses. Nindigir (priestesses) lived there and were guardians of the "life-designer" ordinances.

Sa'am-Enki hoped that, with the war over, he could move beyond his usual confines, travel freely around Ti-ama-te, and perhaps take care of some important matters. Understand that where he had always considered himself aligned with the Kadištu beings who were here, they often did not recognize this in their turn, and Nammu had warned him to be careful lest he be treated as a general Gina'abul. Plus of course he was further confined in his travels by the Gina'abul themselves, who never trusted him, while at the same time very much needing his frequent assistance.

So Sa'am would be able to move around in his Gigirlah, but soon likewise the troops of his Kuku (ancestors) would be landing on Uraš, bringing who knew what changes.

Sa'am-Enki wanted to meet with the feline Kadištu Urmah in their secret underground base at Gigal.

He had found the plan of the layout of this base in Ugur, showing it to be at the extreme south (today's north) of Kankala (Africa), near a long river that flowed in the southern (northern) part of Kankala, and whose sources were in the Sinsal country, the grand reserve of the Ugubi (apes). This is the location of what we know today as the Giza plateau.

There was a protective barrier field set up by robotic lookouts hidden in the vegetation, causing Sa'am to have to stay outside and simply observe the comings-and-goings of the felines for several nights.

Their intensity had been increasing. The earth trembled at times from muffled sounds emanating from the profound depths. Lights flashed out from holes and gaps in the ground.

All of this gave the impression that the Urmah were abandoning the place, though Sa'am didn't see sufficient vessels to suggest an actual flight (fleeing).

With the aid of a viewing device, Sa'am could see that the Urmah were impressive in size, with a greater stature than that of the Gina'abul, large shoulders, and the head of a Pirig (lion) with ocre mane. Surprisingly, several had long claws on their right hand. The Gírkù had no information on this. Sa'am reports that the Imdugud, their "children", sported exactly the same for self-protection.

We mentioned above Nammu's warning to Sa'am about contacting the Urmah. But she also said they tolerated well-enough the Amašutum as emissaries of the Source. Nammu had had working relationships with them - not always very engaging.

The Urmah were "quick" ["vif"] and "dry" ["sec"]. They possessed a state of consciousness that functioned quite differently from that of Sa'am and his associates. Very suspicious in nature, and very solitary, as could also be said of the Imdugud.

The vessels of the felines of the Source were small and light. Some were silent; others emitted at times a hissing that stirred up the dust. Those went out only at night.

Here Parks seems to make a distinction between "felines of the Source" and "Urmah" when he states that the vessels of the Urmah are paler and more elongated, and he does not know their point of access to the Gigal, which seems to be situated much further "inland".

Sa'am recognizes these vessels as the ones that had attacked their mountain at Dukug with some Uru (missiles) two Muanna (years) earlier. That assault had damaged a small part of Kharsag and the works of his Nungal in the vast Edin, but there had been no injuries. The Anunna had responded severely from positions at the foot of the mountain. Afterward, they had tripled their defenses in the Dukug and the Great Šàtam (Enlil) had requisitioned several hundred additional soldiers to protect the agrarian city. That had made it necessary to enlarge their crop plantings. In several days, that same need was to become much greater!

Enlil has just brought in four more Albarzil (mechanical drills) from the Abzu. These were needed years ago; work has simply not been advancing. This is standard practice for Enlil: respond to need when it is already too late.

Sa'am-Enki has been unable to make contact with his father, whose trips "to the heart of Tiamate" (Mulge) sometimes seem to be just a pretext for hiding from his children.


Anunna > Anunnaki
From this point forward in Parks' books he uses the term Annunaki. The Sumerian number GIŠ-U (600) is synomous with the name Anunnaki, which is to say Anunna of the KI (the Earth).

The Urmah left the Gigal by night amid deafening sound and light. The colossal flotilla departed the planet in several waves and a continual fracas that raised the earth. The entire operation took about half a Danna (1 hour).

The departure was a major military maneuver that must have been ordered by the Kadištu (Life Designers) confederation. It seemed to be a peculiar thing to Sa'am-Enki, as the small numbers of arriving Gina'abul soldiers (around 600) surely did not require that step. The Urmah numbered in the thousands.

Ninmah would have located their base northeast (today's southwest) of the Dukug. Sa'am-Enki had pretended to know nothing of the subject. He took care that no one followed him to the south (north) of Kankala (Africa). He had made a practice of using the Diranna (star ports) on his trips.

After the Urmah soldiers' departure, Sa'am-Enki returned to his exploration of the plateau. Its protective force field had been deactivated. Armed with a long rope, and Ugur, the Gírkù for illumination, he explored numerous ventilation shafts that puncutated the terrain.

The Gigal was monumental, possessing several levels, which was also indicated in Ugur itself. In fact there were seven levels, but Enki was far from being able to explore them all. That would have taken Iti (months) or even Muanna (years), as the tunnels extended under Kankala (Africa).

In these tunnels, Nammu and her associates had found refuge on many occasions when under attack by the royal red Kingú.

Some of the tunnels seemed to be buried far, far into the earth. They had to go somewhere. Enki believed that certain of them even led to the Abzu. Nammu and Enki's sister Dìm-mege must have known this.

Sa'am reports that there were monumental halls from which emerged broad galleries (or tunnels) through which could pass voluminous vessels. These were doubtless where the Urmah kept their flight vessels.

The walls were smooth, without inscriptions. Some of them seemed to be constituted from a single enormous block. Most of them were not natural. They had not been carved by natural erosion or even by the hands of individual workers. Rather they appeared to be artificial caverns.

The principal seat or headquarters area appeared to have been assembled from the exterior on several levels, on which was then placed the thick, heavy roof that formed the actual plateau.

The Gigal is a fortress and its walls are impregnable ramparts. Sa'am believed that entire structures could be moved in order to obstruct certain of the underground spaces. He found himself on several occasions facing collossal walls whose orientations seemed completely strange.

There seemed to have been no mechanical devices or systems left behind; the spaces were completely empty. Furthermore, while the two upper levels were dry, some of the lower ones were flooded with clear water. A broad watercourse flowed through the two lowest. The crystal (Urgu) indicated that this was a hidden counterpart of the long river that extended through the south (north) of Kankala (Africa). This lower river had no doubt been diverted in places so that it would run simultaneously on several levels.

Sa'am-Enki discovered several "port basins" lined with willows, that reminded him a bit of the Duat of Dukù - a similar environment. We suggest you pursue the hyperlink so that you can consider the similarities as well as the differences between these two versions of a Duat, assuming that we are indeed dealing with a Duat here. Later, the role of the Duat in the path of a deceased Kadištu will become of central importance.

The river to which we have referred would be the Nile, except for uncertainty introduced by the great dislocation that is due to come to Uraš before we will have today's geography.

I discovered various towns or groupings ["agglomerations"] in the Gigal. Numerous edifices are of pyramidal form, others more rectangular or square with wide columns. The architecture of the buildings of the felines of Sipazianna (Orion) was heretofore completely unknown to me.

The habitation spaces and the temple halls are totally empty. The doors are broad and high. A luxuriant vegetation mixes among the stones of the edifices.

The fourth and fifth levels have strange lighting on the ceiling. The ceilings are very high; they differ according to the level and the sectors. They must be nearly 13 Nindan (nearly 80 meters) high. Lines and points cross forming a pleasing and harmonious pattern that illuminates the constructions.

I am blown away by this place. It makes me tremble and wonder at the same time. I must guard this as a secret in my spirit, making it my habit above all not to think of it when I return to Kharsag, particularly when around the Ušumgal and Enlil.

I would love to install myself here. It is here that I would love to establish my Nungal, where they will be free, but I hesitate, so impressed am I with this place. The Anunnaki and their creators above all must not know this place.

Festival of Heroes

Nearly a month after the 600 arriving Anunnaki had posed triumphally at the base of the Dukug (the Mountain of Heaven), a prodigious Festival of Heroes was organized for them at Kharsag.

An had hastily descended from Udu'idimsa (Mars), followed by a cortege of Mìmínu ("greys") and Mušgir (dragons) dressed like princes.

Enki was totally stupefied to see these revolting creatures around his creator. Dim'mege, who had been invited to the ceremony (while Nammu had not), grimaced strongly at the spectacle.

An testified once again to his supremacy over Ti-ama-te (the solar system). And he demonstrated unmistakenly that his constant relations with the worst species of their consanguine family could only increase his power and the fear that he had always inspired on the part of the entire race.

But seeing Enki's and Dim'mege's reactions, An justified himself by stating that without the Mušgir (dragons) they would never have been able to deal with Tigeme (Tiamata).

An certainly lacked any tact. He seemed to have forgotten that Dim'mege, Sa'am-Enki, and even he himself were all descended from Tiamata. (See the Source Races chart in Genealogy.)


Prisoners were proudly exhibited. There were three Kingú-Babbar (albinos), five reds and a handful of the common skin (green). The spectacle was pitiable. Three royal reds were savagely executed by the Mušgir who opened their thoraxes. The sour odor of spilled blood and the still warm and palpitating entrails made me nauseous. My sister and I trembled like leaves. Sigpabnun (Isimmud), my agent, seemed very calm.

Among the captives was an Urmah in very poor condition. He was chained outrageously, as justified by the terror that he created in my consanguine family. The Urmah couldn't budge because he was garrotted. His stature was very high, as with most emissaries of the Source.

In his drunken triumph that he shared with his absent son, Enlil praised "the race of elects" who had known how to conquer Uraš and to subjugate their enemies. The Great Šàtam took a sword. I understood what he wished to do; I leapt toward him in calling for him to spare the Urmah, arguing that we could study him: "This is an emissary of the Source, above all do not touch him!"

My sister restrained me in my impulse. The Urmah fixed me for a long time in his eyes. EN-LIL forced him to kneel and cut off his head! This required several strokes.

EN-LIL and some Anunnaki jumped on the corpse to drink the victim's blood. This greatly amused my creator.


All this was too much for Dim'mege, who staggered and clutched Enki; she urinated on his boots.


Ninmah came to their assistance, explaining that scenes of carnage always aroused the drunken pride of the males.


She went on:


(Ninmah) I am a Nindigir who has taken initiation on Nalulkára. I am no longer a Kadištu since I have conspired with the ensemble of the Ušumgal. I accept this, because I did not give more support to the despotic ideology of our queen.

We have here two beings issued from the line of Tiamata by the intervention of Nammu. If in the future you wish to execute emissaries of the Source, do not do it in front of their delegates present here, only out of the respect that we owe to Enki, his sister, and their absent progenetrice, and in honor of their precious collaboration. Without them, Kharsag would not exist!

Having reestablished order, Ninmah reseated herself on her throne and ordered the festivities to begin. Eden, Ninmah's Garden, had been swept clean for the occasion. Dates, melons, figs, grapes and honeycakes were on display in sparkling plates on tables of "ivory" from the strange creatures that the Ama'argi called Amsi (elephants). The triumphant army filed in majestic and processional rhythm before An, Ninmah, Enlil,the Ušumgal, and Enki. An gave his thanks to each of the high nobles for their acts which had made all this possible.


Comment : Somewhere on this website - and it might as well be right here while we think of it - the perfectly obvious should be acknowledged. What do you suppose a "scientist" in good standing, guardian of our quest for the truth in our understanding of our place in the universe - would say to all this? I expect he or she would protest loudly, calling for a little more strangeness, more - je ne sais quoi - ooboo-gooboo in his/her aliens. If any appearance at all; more likely nothing more than the weakest radio signal trying at some universal code.

Why, this scene resembles nothing more than a feast at royal court (if you ignore a tail in evidence here and there). We KNOW this scene! But, we say, of course! Isn't that exactly the point? Now finally you have just begun to think. Proceed...


Enlil's sensation of triumph and joy was very great. Double, because the Great Šàtam was taken with an Ama'argi princess for several months now. He no longer carried any regard for Ninmah, the sovereign of Kharsag.

This is undoubtedly why Ninurta, their common progeny, was not present that day. He preferred to "slash the Imdugud", as he liked to say.

Ninurta had directed the Anunna these last Muanna (years). He had been the official chief of the armies of An for three cycles (years), and it is he who had led the military apparatus to final victory. So his absence was not well appreciated.

Ninmah had taken an interest in Sa'am-Enki. He notices, and takes advantage, feigning drunkenness to match her actual state of inebriation, to pry some more information from her about the status of Sé'et, and even manage to convince her that it would be wise to bring Sé'et back to Uraš. Ninmah warns Sa'am-Enki that Sé'et would not be able to give him the "regard of life" which she, Ninmah, could, and this will lead to his ultimate death.

Nisighu (Bluebird) - Gíghu (Blackbird)

Some days later, Sa'am-Enki returned to his exploration of the Gigal - to its third level. This level possessed several extremely large cavities that would seem to have been able to permit the passage of the Urmah's flying vehicles.

In the northern part were rooms of immoderate size with thick columns, totally deserted.

Amid the maze of stone was a profound hall, devoid of any artificial lighting. With the aid only of the green light of the Gírkù, Enki found inscriptions on the ground, in the Emešà (mother) language - a very archaic form that seemed not to employ any Emenita (male language) terms, other than names that were mentioned.

He left this inscription on the ground to present later to Nammu. It seemed to be composed of Kùsig (gold) powder. Its contents were as follows:


Ana apil É-a
ilittu šá Nam-mu tu-li-du a-na marutu ina An
Gi-gal bité-su-nu gab-bi maš-ka-nu šá Ur-Mah ana šá muhhi hi
pa-ni-šú id-da-gal Nisig-hu akanna Gíg-hu


To the son of the house of the water
progeny of Nammu, she who has engendered in filiation with An.
The complete house of the Gigal is the retribution of the Urmah
to (him who has) responsibility for the Nungal.
In his privilege, he will dispose of Nisighu (Bluebird) as well as
Gíghu (Blackbird).

Exploring further - feverishly - Enki's Ugur eventually illuminated the sides of an ovoid flying apparatus of the Iníuma general type, with bluish reflections. A word of description: yes it was blue, it was longer/slimmer than the Iníuma, and it had wings, apparently for use in our atmosphere.

Enki found it highly esthetic, giving the impression of power to displace rapidly and in silence.


A bit further is found another vessel of dark reverberation. It possesses small wings of triangular form and three rectangular dark windows at the level of the cockpit. Its contours are straight, taut. Its massive silhouette and its full length give it an extremely menacing aspect. It gives me the impression of roaring in silence. It appears to be without any doubt a powerful machine of war.


Preliminary views of both craft are provided in our earlier section on Craft.

The heavy responsibility of all this sent shivers down Sa'am's spine. He was no warrior; he was at times nervous handling the Gírkù. How was he to be responsible for the Gigal and for these two strange machines? In fact, he was unable even to find the entry door to Bluebird.

He also at this time faced a heavy task in Edin: to install the bulk of the Annunaki in the villages of cedarwood constructed along the two enormous grooves that had been dug out by his Nungal. The work had begun; the water had begun to be diverted. The dikes and irrigation canals had been excavated by the Mìmínu (greys). Always he was preoccupied by something fundamental.

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